Flamstead Heritage Notice 3: Re-use under a CC BY 4.0 Licence (public: re-users)
last updated 18th July 2023
Data Protection Statement
The copyright content in this project is available for re-use under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) Licence. Creative Commons licences, including the CC BY 4.0 licence do not provide permission for any users to process any personal data that may be included in this project content. Under the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR and any data protection legislation in place in the country in which you are based, you will have a number of legal obligations and responsibilities relating to the use of any personal data in this content.
This means that before you re-use any personal information in this content, you should ensure you have fulfilled any obligations to provide privacy information to the participants whose personal data may be included in this content. This is likely to include, requesting consent and/or establishing another lawful basis for processing or identifying any exemptions you are relying on for re-use of the personal data.
You may also have to comply with data subject rights requests under data protection law.
Further information can be found on the website of the UK Information Commissioner’s Office and the equivalent regulatory body in the country in which you are based.
See also Flamstead Heritage Information Notice.