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Visit the ABOUT ... page for information about the project: its history, vision, the team, and how you could participate as a volunteer
Use the following buttons or links to find out more about current heritage programme delivery..
Contact Us
Use the contact form to get in touch with us about the project as a whole or the website in particular.
Visitors’ Book
If you have visited St Leonard’s, please tell us about your visit using our feedback survey – to help both us and future visitors.
Miscellaneous Notices
<coming soon>
From the download page you can obtain PDFs of our materials about the church and village, such as leaflets and posters.
Flamstead Heritage Publishing Notices (Policies & Processes)
As a publisher we take our responsibilities seriously, but at the same time, we want to make our story as widely available as possible. These notices explain our policies in this area and what you need to do if you think we have got any of it wrong, for example if we have published your material and you wish to be credited.
Information Notice: (contributors, public: users)
Privacy Notice: (contributors, data subjects)
Notice for Re-use under a CC BY 4.0 Licence: (public: re-users)
Remediation & Takedown Notice: (public: data subjects, rights owners)